EPK = An electronic press kit .

Back in the olden days before they went “ELectronic” or actually just online, a press kit was a physical package sent out to journalists containing written information about an artist alongside photos and previous press clippings.

The electronic version is an online hub where where the press or a radio producer or a potential booker can get all the information about you, or your band in one easy place.

Essential Elements

# 1. Photo 

We are talking a proper professional picture here.

Not a snap of you at a club, or round your mates house.

Make sure the photo really represents you

* What are you trying to say about your act ..

are you
Sexy /Tough / intelligent/Arty /Indie/ Grimey ?

Find a visual idea that represents that.

It could be a cool location or the way you are dressed or the expression you have on your face.

You don’t have to smile or pout unless you want to..

If you are a band.

Make the picture interesting, this is part of your creative work and should be , er… creative.

There are enough pictures of four people leaning against a wall.


Dont rely on the photographer to come up with all the ideas.

You will need full resolution for print and lo resolution to email or for webpages

Make sure you get full resolution versions from your photographer

# 2. Description of your music

yup we all rage about this one, but get over it ,

a good one sentence description of your sound is crucial.

Brainstorm with your bands or friends,

once you have your description you can roll it out any time you are asked.

All you are after, is a snappy one liner, that makes someone say “I’d like to hear that” or “Tell me more”

Rather than saying (top cliché) “we don’t dound like anyone else”

or stumbling round with
” um er we’re kind of  RnB , but the guitarist is quite rocky and people have said I sound a bit like Bjork”

What about

Bastard lovechild of Lady Gaga and Michael Jackson


A flight of stairs falling down a flight of stairs – Idlewild described by Kitty Empire

#3. Contact info

  • One main name or person to contact

Your website /insta/email /mobile/managers number/facebook page/tiktok etc.

This is a NO brainer but people forget

Make it easy for someone to get hold of you

#4. Your music

No kidding this one is CRUCIAL !!!!

Direct  streaming versions or download links from your soundcloud  or my fave Bandcamp

  • Do not make people have to hunt for your info

time and attention are in short supply.

Make sure you have some decently recorded quality material, there is no point in publicising music that doesn’t represent you well.

#5. Gig Info

Where have you gigged and where you are next performing.

Have you played somewhere cool ?

Have you supported a well known band?

A tech spec of what you need when you play live

What people say about your live performances

#6Your story/ Bio

This is your chance to catch someones attention

Press and promoters will often cut and paste the info about you to use in their story or promotion so make sure your EPK has juicy snippets for them to take .
Keep it short – avoid referencing your previous bands if they aren’t “known”
You can be funny – there are no rules.
And no one wants to know you started singing at a young age till you have a hit, and even then it’s not that interesting.
Any reviews or good quotes about you, best to have quotes from radio Djs/famous bands/Journalists rather than your mum

#7. Video 

Embed videos and /or links to your you tube or vimeo page.

Again use your best videos.

Use good quality music recorded in a studio

A lack lustre live performance with people audibly chatting during your set does not serve you but you could still use that footage as part of a reel, an edited version of performances and interviews and other fun stuff.

#8. Socials

social media it is important that when some one visits your face book or youtube page they dont find a deserted dead car park i.e. 0 likes/0 comments/0 visits 0 watches – you want a vibrant alive space where it is obvious you and your music have got it going on.

You can host your epk on your own website or use a specialist service

Lafango epk 

Sonic bids 
Reverb Nations 

  • tip you can incorporate some of reverb nations free widgets to make your own epk

If you need some help on putting together your EPK or any other issues . consider booking a consultation call

felix x